Sunday, 18 August 2019

Corbans Art Centre

Last week Rooms 3 and 4 went on a school trip to Corbans Art Centre. While we were there we drew a creature using pastels on big black paper. The Art Centre teachers talked to us about filling the page, encouraging us to get our creature to touch the sides,  and about using different colours together. We were very lucky to have lots of helpers with us on the day and big thanks to them for spending the morning with us. Make sure you come into class to see our art on display and some more photos taken during the morning. 

Saturday, 17 August 2019

Cross Country

We had our fingers crossed that the rain would hold off for our school Cross Country and it did 😊
It was a bit chilly as we waited for the year1 races but it wasn't long until Mr Moore called us to the startline. We all had did our very best and had lots of fun. There was a big puddle and lots of mud!
Afterwards we got to wash our legs and feet in warm soapy water, before returning to the warmth of our classroom.